Saturday, April 16, 2011

The gun show

Bench: 135x10, 165x8, 190x6, 225x4, 245x2 Standing Curls: 75x10, 80x8, 85x6 Incline Dumbell press: 65's x 10, 65's x 8, 65's x 8 Standing tricep pushdowns: 45x10, 45x8


heathbuggs said...

I like the song and vid, but was hoping you could put a clip of you blasting your guns with 75lbs in each hand. oh, and I thought the drummer was a shirtless chick at first.

Jaydub said...

I hope I wasn't misleading, but I can't curl 75lbs with each hand, its a 75lb curl bar, both hands. I wish the fat guitarist was shirtless.

heathbuggs said...

Dude.....I know your miniature little biceps couldn't handle 75 lbs. I'm sure if you even tried to pick one up your tendons would tear off the humerus at the insertion. Keep working at it though. Do you have a name for our tri yet? I'm thinking about running it with a camel pack of Jack and Coke, so I have an excuse when you destroy me. Less than 3 months.

Vagabond said...

I would really like to witness this triathlon. What are the terms again?